Last updated
08/16/2011 |
Citizens Speak
(letters and editorials)
Take Back
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Oshawa Harbour +
Ethanol Plant
"Just Say No" letter to City of Oshawa
(printable version 8˝ X 11)
Nov 7 - Problems with ethanol are abundant - Carrie Bon, Oshawa
Nov 4 - Second Marsh and ethanol plant can co-exist - Scott Sutherland, Oshawa
Oct 30 - Second Marsh director speaks up on FarmTech - Brian Brasier, Oshawa
Oct 8 - What is real motive for opposing the ethanol plant? - Mike Szarka, Oshawa
Sept 30 - Ethanol plant has positives - Daniel Pothaar, Oshawa
Sept 26 - Let's protect our waterfront - Dawn B. MacEachern, Oshawa
Sept 25 - Common sense needed on ethanol plant - John Malish, Oshawa
Sept 19 - Say no to FarmTech proposal for ethanol plant - Chrisa Erodotou, Oshawa
Sept 11 - Farm-Tech should be built elsewhere - Rosamond Hodgson, Oshawa
Setp 4 - Comment on the FarmTech ethanol plant application - Victor Potter, Oshawa
Aug 11 - We need to make sure we recycle wherever we can - Sharlene Kooger, Clarington
Aug 11 - Just say no to ethanol plant - James Sprague, Oshawa
Aug 11 - Ethanol plant should be built but not at waterfront - Wilfred L. Camilleri, Oshawa
Aug 7 - Ethanol is not the fuel solution we require - Graham Brown, Port Hope
Aug 5 - Let's avoid industrial development at waterfront - Vic Potter, Oshawa
Aug 5 - FarmTech plant belongs at the waterfront - John Andrews, Oshawa
July 30 - Corn-based ethanol: The negatives outweigh the positives - Globe and Mail
July 28 - FarmTech should look for another location in Oshawa - Dave Ruch, Oshawa
July 28 - Mayor should say yes to the ethanol plant - Yvonne Wackernagel, Brock
July 26 - Ethanol plant yes, but not at the waterfront - Metroland Editorial
July 24 - Mayor deserves credit for pushing for Crombie Report - Metroland Editorial
July 21 - Professor calls biofuels solution poor energy return on investment - Dr. Peter Berg, UOIT, Oshawa
July 10 - Councillors have much to learn - Joe Snider, Oshawa
June 24 - Mayor, council should support ethanol plant - Jim McWilliam, Ajax
June 24 - Brown’s claims farfetched - Sylvain Millette, Angus
June 20 - Time to say no to more development - Juliet Joseph, Oshawa
June 20 - Behaviour by some at FarmTech meeting unimpressive - Michael Maynard, Oshawa
June 19 - Council should listen to people on ethanol plant - Norman Bear, Oshawa
June 18 - Durham's dumping ground - Edward. P. Swynar, Newcastle
June 16 - In Opposition to an Ethanol Facility on the Oshawa Waterfront - John Malish, Oshawa
June 16 - Delegation to Public Meeting on Proposed lakefront Ethanol plant - Colleen Knight, Oshawa
June 12 - Ethanol is a complex issue - Peter Bursztyn, Barrie
May 28 - Let's get all the facts on ethanol - Gary Pascoe, Oshawa
May 13 - Job-creation with ethanol plant needs clarity - Cam Bear, Oshawa
May 8 - Ethanol plant would create jobs - Derek Neill, Oshawa
May 6 - Grow corn for feed, not for fuel - Rick Foster, Whitby
May 5 - Ethanol has plenty of advantages - Keith Miller, Oshawa
April 9 - Build ethanol plant in agricultural community - John Malish, Oshawa
Mar 29 - Ethanol not the panacea some say - Douglas Nadler, Barrie Advance
Mar 26 - Harbour as jobs creator a good option - Marie Crowell, Oshawa
Mar 26 - Citizens needs to stand up against harbour industry - Robert Crozier, Oshawa
Feb 7 - Location the only issue in ethanol debate - John Devine, Barrie Advance
Aug 28 - Hybrids explained - Kent Taylor, Port Perry
Aug 22 - City got it right rejecting ethanol plant - Paul-Andre Larose, Ph.D., Oshawa
Aug 13 - Let's get clear definition of what a 'hybrid' vehicle is - Edward P. Swynar, Newcastle
Aug 8 - Waterfront environment should be protected - Larry Ladd, Chairperson, Marina Users Group, Oshawa
July 24 - Port cities are built on industry - Malcolm T. Baron, Oshawa
July 10 - Did ethanol fuel Premier's 'save-the-lake' visit? - John Devine, Barrie Advance
July 9 - Brown says no to ethanol plant - Patrick Brown, MP, Barrie
July 9 - Ethanol fight far from over - Sonya Anderson, Barrie
Jan 31 - Ethanol plant on schedule - John Edwards Barrie Advance